Clarkson University Named a Best Value College for 2023 by The Princeton Review

April 27, 2023

Clarkson University is one of the nation's best colleges for students seeking a great education with excellent career preparation and at a relatively affordable price, according to The Princeton Review®.

Snell Hall
Snell Hall

The education services company named Clarkson as one of its Best Value Colleges for 2023 on April 25. The full list of The Princeton Review’s Best Value Colleges for 2023 and the project’s seven categories of ranking lists, as well as the company’s profiles of the schools, is accessible for free with registration at

The Princeton Review chose 209 schools for the 2023 list based on data from its surveys of administrators at more than 650 colleges in 2022-23. Topics covered everything from academics, cost, and financial aid to graduation rates, student debt.

The company also factored in data from its surveys of students attending the schools as well as data from’s surveys of alumni of the schools about their starting and mid-career salaries and job satisfaction.  

In all, The Princeton Review crunched more than 40 data points to tally ROI (Return on Investment) ratings of the colleges that were the bases for the Best Value Colleges school selections.

"The schools we chose as our Best Value Colleges for 2023 are a select group: they comprise only about 8% of the nation’s four-year undergraduate institutions,” said Rob Franek, Editor-in-Chief of The Princeton Review. “We commend their administrators, faculties, staff, and alumni for all they are doing to educate their students and guide them to success in their careers. These colleges are also exceptional for the generous amount of financial aid they award to students with need and/or for their comparatively low cost of attendance.”

The Princeton Review gave Clarkson an ROI rating score of 88 out of 99. In its profile of Clarkson, the company’s editors praise the school for “consistently turned career-ready, hardworking and determined students out into the workforce. The school is known for its excellent job placement rate and the large number of internship opportunities that Clarkson's connections bring,” and quote from Clarkson students they surveyed who say, “Many courses here are project-based, so students receive ‘hands-on skills and real world experience that will immediately help in the workforce.’” The students go on to say that, “Both 'hard and soft skills have been developed and grown' at Clarkson, and are soon enough put to use; students rave about the Career Center, which holds two career fairs and 'a myriad of workshops' annually to help students find and prepare for co-ops, internships, and jobs.”  

The Princeton Review does not rank the Best Value Colleges hierarchically on a single list, from 1 to 209.

Among the project's seven categories of ranking lists, Clarkson earned a top 20 ranking for Best Alumni Network, and ranked in the top 25 for Best Career Services.

The Princeton Review is also known for its other college rankings in dozens of categories, many of which are reported in its annual book, The Best Colleges, published in August.

About The Princeton Review

The Princeton Review is a leading tutoring, test prep, and college admissions services company. Every year, it helps millions of college- and graduate school–bound students as well as working professionals achieve their education and career goals through its many education services and products. These include online and in-person courses delivered by a network of more than 4,000 teachers and tutors; online resources; more than 150 print and digital books published by Penguin Random House; and dozens of categories of school rankings. Founded in 1981, The Princeton Review is now in its 42nd year. The company’s brand, now in its 23rd year, is one of the largest online tutoring services in the U.S. It comprises a community of thousands of tutors who have delivered more than 23 million one-to-one tutoring sessions. The Princeton Review is headquartered in New York, NY. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University. For more information, visit and the company's Media Center. Follow the company on Twitter (@ThePrincetonRev) and Instagram (@theprincetonreview).

As a private, national research university, Clarkson is a leader in technological education and sustainable economic development through teaching, scholarship, research and innovation. We ignite personal connections across academic fields and industries to create the entrepreneurial mindset, knowledge and intellectual curiosity needed to innovate world-relevant solutions and cultivate the leaders of tomorrow. With its main campus located in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the New York Capital Region, Beacon, N.Y., and New York City, Clarkson educates 4,000+ students across 95 rigorous programs of study in engineering, business, the arts, education, sciences and health professions. Our alumni earn salaries that are among the top 2% in the nation and realize accelerated career growth. One in five already leads as a CEO, senior executive or owner of a company. To learn more about Clarkson University, go to
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